What happen with Marialbaai primary school or was it high school construction? Last year you people in US were trying to rebuilt Marialbaai school, we even raise some money here in Vancouver Canada of which we got help from Seattle group by performing on that fundraising. After the fundraising I try to contact the Seattle guys to see how thing are going but I never heard anything about it till today. So my question is did you people(when I say you people I mean US) started or is it still on plan to be rebuilt? I think Mr Santino Dut Akot knows what I am talking about. If there is anybody who knows what is going on, please let know because we still have the money that were raise for this purpose, not alot of money but still can help.
The plan to build Marialbai high school by Ayatians in diapora is till underway. The need is huge and we need to make sure everything is planned and detail before starting the actual task.
Information, the money you guys contributed in Vancouver, Canada last year with Aweil US dancers is not going towards the plan above. It is a separate entity but of course with the same purpose. That money is going towards Aweil educational funds and Aweil citizens know where they will build that school in when the job is done.
Thanks Bol Ajith Akot
Togetherness, better understanding, love for one another, and unity are the best tools for the success of any community.
Oh my bad and thank you Bol Ajith for making it clear to me, but still who ever responsible for that project will have to work on it because we have alot to do