thanks for developing Ayap website, it is so great. I really appreciated your hard working. please can you add contact information so people can cantact you or at less send you their photos as request. thanks
Welcome to Ayat Foundation discussion board. Your request will be handle very soon as our webmaster is still working to develop our web. Your comment is important to us. Once again, welcome to ADF Discussion Board.
Dear Aweildit, Your request to add contact information on our website is taken into consideration, and I appreciated you for it. I am too slow and that is why some web features are not completed but I am working hard to make them available as soon as possible. For now, I do recommend my personal email for people to send in their photos and comments. It is . I also apologized in advance for having made it difficult for people to reach us. Again, thanks for having brought it into my attention.
Best regards, Administrator
Lazy hands make a man poor, but the diligent hands bring wealth.